Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done. And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Matt 21:21-22 (KJV)
Our text today is Jesus’ response to the disciples’ amazement at a withered fig tree. According to the gospel of Mark, Jesus cursed the tree the day before because it had leaves but it contained no figs. Mark noted that at the time that Jesus cursed the tree, his disciples heard what he said to it. The next day as Jesus and his disciples passed by the tree, the disciples noted that the tree was dried up from the roots. His disciples marveled at how quickly the tree had withered and Peter pointed the withered tree out to Jesus. It was at Peter’s prompting that Jesus responded with the statement in the text. A lot can be said concerning having leaves and no fruit and the parallelism that is suggested by Jesus’ frequent encounters with the fruitless religious leaders. Furthermore, parallelisms can be drawn of today’s shallow Christians who look and sound the part but actions don’t reflect professions. But that is not the subject of the message today. Jesus’ response to his disciples is a statement that what was done was the direct result of prayer. This is not the first time his disciples have been told the importance of prayer in accomplishing the seemingly impossible. After Jesus descended from the mount where he was transfigured, he was confronted by a discouraged father who had brought his son to nine of Jesus’ disciples in the hope that they would be able to cast the demon out of him but they had failed. After Jesus had set the boy free, his disciples asked him why they could not cast that demon out of the boy. Jesus responded to them that the power to do that would only come through fasting and prayer. And now he tells his disciples that the fig tree had the very life sucked out of it as a result of a prayer of faith. Let’s look at Jesus’ response.
I. If You have Faith, and Doubt Not
A. Faith is Trust in God
B. Faith pleases God
C. The Impossible depends on a Faith that has no Room for Doubt
II. All Things you asked in the Prayer of Faith will be Given
A. Jesus’ Act was not unique to Him but possible even for His Followers
B. Mountains respond the same as Fig Trees
Jesus was often responding to two groups. He rebuked the religious leaders and instructed his followers concerning the same incidents and situations. He rebuked the leaders for putting on an exhibition or pretense of religion while at the same time being void or empty of spirituality. He was continuously pointing his followers to God and telling them the importance of learning to depend on him in all things. The lesson for them today is that there is power in prayer. Jesus could have simply reminded them that he is the son of God and this was just another demonstration of his power. Instead, he told them that what he had done, they could do as well. They were told that they had to depend on God (since that is what prayer is all about) and not doubt what they were asking for. I think if we all could grasp this the world just might be a more dangerous place. Could you imagine people all over the world commanding trees to die and mountains to be cast into the sea? This kind of power demands responsibility. We must own accountability for our fellow man and demonstrate it through the guidance of the Holy Ghost. The bible says that we don’t know what to pray for as we ought but the Spirit intercedes for us. When God gives us power, he also places the necessary restrictions there to keep us from bringing harm to ourselves or others. Nevertheless, prayer is still a powerful gift that God has given us. It is prayer that enables us to weather the storms of life like no other group. It is prayer that gives us strength when we are physically weakest. It is prayer that brings God to our rescue when it seems as though the whole world is against us. There is power in prayer. I know that Jesus would not have told his disciples that all things are possible through prayer if it were not true. I don’t know if I have had any fig tree situations but I have had many mountains in my way. Every now and then, when it seems as though I have run out of options and there is a mountain blocking my path, I go into my secret prayer closet and have a little talk with God. I have learned that God will move mountains when you pray. Prayer should not be seen as just a religious ritual. When you run out options, prayer will make the impossible possible. Jesus’ statement was given as a guarantee in that he said “verily” or “truly” I say unto you. And he said that if we ask anything in faith we will receive it. Anything covers a lot of ground but all of it is connected to Calvary.
Robert C. Hudson
May 31, 2009
Ministering Mightily
2 weeks ago