And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment. 1 Chronicles 12:32
In the pretext of today’s scripture, Israel’s first king, Saul, had been killed in battle and the warriors of Israel were now responding by endorsing David as Israel’s new king. Those warriors came in groups of thousands according to their tribe and clearly stated that they were pledging their allegiance to David. Even the tribe of Benjamin, the tribe of Saul, responded in kind with their brethren. David was previously on the run for Saul had a death warrant out on him. But apparently David was hiding in plain sight because they all knew where to find him. Most of the warriors that came were described according to their battle skills and experience. Some were adept at slingshots or bows and others were skilled with swords and shields. Still others were described as sure-footed and swift such as the Gadites. Others were commanders or military leaders. But when the sons of Issachar came, they were described differently than all of their brethren. Jacob had prophesied that the descendants of Issachar would be strong and would yield themselves as servants. In today’s text, Jacob’s prophecy unfolds. Only the leaders of Issachar came but they had the authority to speak for the entire tribe. These leaders were described as having understanding of the times and they knew what Israel ought to do. What does this really say about the leaders of Issachar?
I. Understanding
A. Prudent (Pay Attention; Take into Consideration)
B. Intelligent (Knew; Sensible)
C. Insightful (Heed or Deal Wisely)
II. To Know
A. Divine Wisdom
B. Divine Plan
III. Leadership
A. They had the Trust of Those who Followed Them
B. They had the Loyalty of Those who Followed Them
C. They had the Commitment of Those who Followed Them
It was given to the children of Issachar to know what Israel should do. They knew the plan that Israel should follow. This kind of wisdom only comes from God.
Again, all of their brethren were at their command makes a statement of unity. The tribe of Issachar was united in purpose. Up to this point, some tribes were divided in opinion between David and Saul. When Issachar came, they came as one. They were determined to do even as God had shown their leaders what needed to be done. They were not coming to debate or vote but they were coming as warriors determined to get the job done and those who came represented all of them. So much time and energy are wasted when there is an absence of unity and a singular purpose. When everyone wants to do their own thing then chances are the group is doing nothing. Success with excellence requires everyone working together and moving in one direction. The question before us today is, “Do you understand the times?” Has it been revealed to you what ought to be done? Are you putting forth effort that’s in agreement with current directions? Are you still caught up on what could have been or what should have been or what used to be? At all points in time God has provided a vision that sets forth a clear direction of movement. It is no different with us today.
Sometimes having a vision can make you feel like the loneliest person in the world. There is a sense of inadequacy that overshadows you when you try to explain or just communicate the vision. But I see something in the sons of Issachar that I find encouraging. When you know what ought to be done, its best to get started by just doing your part. They came prepared to do their part. Do you understand the times? They did not come half-hearted or just in case so that they would not be left out but they came totally committed to the plan. They had understanding of the times. Do you understand the times? Do you understand what God is doing with the church today? Twenty years ago people had a hunger and thirst for the word of God. Sunday School and Bible Study meant everything. People just wanted to know the word of God. Today people have a hunger for ministry. There is a God-given desire to do something worthwhile. People want to know what to do and how should it be done. Do you understand the times? God did not leave us here to grope in the darkness but he has given us the supreme example in his son, Jesus. Jesus understood the times and he worked according to his Father’s will. He worked while it was yet day for he knew that the night was coming and his working would end. Are you about your Father’s business today? Do you understand the times?
Robert C. Hudson
September 13, 2009
Ministering Mightily
2 weeks ago