And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him. And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer: For I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God. Luke 22:14-16 (KJV)
All four writers of the gospel as well as the apostle Paul wrote about some of the events that took place during the evening that Jesus shared his last Passover observance with his apostles. One has to piece together the different events from the different accounts in order to get a clearer picture of the order of events on that evening. The gathering of Jesus and the twelve was an expected event since all of Israel was required to observe this first holy day of the Jewish new year. What was not expected was that Jesus would prophesy concerning the future fulfillment of this meal even though the meal itself served as a reminder to Israel of the past fulfillment of it. The celebration of the past fulfillment was a celebration of the miraculous deliverance of the descendants of Jacob (Israel) from Egyptian bondage. This meal celebrated Israel’s birth as an independent and sovereign nation. The future fulfillment Jesus spoke of will culminate in the final deliverance of all children of faith from spiritual bondage into God’s eternal kingdom. The apostles were celebrating the annual Passover with Jesus for what is believed to be the third time assuming that Jesus’ earthly ministry lasted three to three and half years. Jesus informed them that this would also be the last and he had desired greatly to share it with them. All twelve of the apostles, including Judas, came to this Passover meal.
I. The Passover Meal
A. An Annual Reminder of Their Beginnings
B. Jesus’ Desire to share with His Apostles
C. Anticipating the Fulfillment
II. Dismissal of Judas
A. Jesus was Aware of Judas’ Plot
B. Jesus would later call Judas Friend
C. Judas would not Share at the Lord’s Supper
III. Problems at the Table
A. The Eleven still had Issues even with Judas Absent
B. Jesus responded by Washing Their Feet
C. Jesus saw beyond Their Present Faults
Jesus’ anticipation of sharing this meal with his group of yet unconverted followers, including one devil, serves as a reminder that we too are to show patience towards others. It was for his apostles as well as others including us that he was about to give his life. In spite of their shortcomings, Jesus foresaw the day when they (except Judas) would be totally delivered and he celebrated with them in anticipation of that deliverance.
As we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, we should come to the table remembering the deliverance that Jesus has secured for us. First, we should think of our community and what our fore-parents were delivered from. Many of them suffered in faith believing that God would make a way for their offspring in the distant future. Today, we live out the answers to their prayers without always being grateful. We seem to trample over our blessings as though they have no value. Nevertheless we must also be reminded that it’s all about Jesus. Material or physical blessings are good but the spiritual blessings far outweigh them. We should come to the table anticipating the future marriage supper of the Lamb and his bride, the church. We should come in anticipation of his return for the church to usher us into eternal life in his presence.
Robert C. Hudson
December 6, 2009
Ministering Mightily
2 weeks ago